Tangalooma Island Resort Wild Dolphin Feeding Experience

Tangalooma Island Resort Wild Dolphin Feeding Experience
Tangalooma Island Resort Wild Dolphin Feeding Experience
Tangalooma Island Resort Wild Dolphin Feeding Experience
Tangalooma Island Resort Wild Dolphin Feeding Experience

The highlight of any visit to Tangalooma is the opportunity to hand feed one of the wild bottlenose dolphins that visit the shores each evening at sunset. There is a large family of these playful dolphins that visit regularly, each with their own distinctive and unique personalities. This tradition on Moreton Island began in the 80s with a dolphin named Eric who visited regularly. Returning one day with a calf in tow, it was discovered Eric was actually a female and was renamed Beauty. Beauty brought her family to the jetty for feeding for many years and today, her children still visit the feeding program that began as a result.
Tangalooma's Dolphin Care Team, consisting of Eco Rangers and dedicated staff, operate the program adhering to strict guidelines to ensure not only the dolphins' protection, but also that they maintain their natural instincts and independence.
Remember to wear something you do not mind getting wet, or pants you can rolls up. Remove any hand jewellery that may scratch the dolphins, and ensure you do not wear any insect repellents, perfumes, deodorants or sunscreen.